High 5 Challenge – Week 2!

Good morning everyone,

Today we are continuing our High 5 challenge which will run throughout February!

Here are your challenges for this week 🙂

Watch these videos to see how to complete each challenge!

Monday – As many kick ups as you can in 1 minute!

Tuesday – Dribble a ball around with your feet for 1 minute!

Wednesday – Dribble or bounce a ball with your hands for 1 minute.

Thursday – Throw an object up in the air and catch it as many times as you can in 1 minute!

Friday – Roll an object through a target as many times as you can in 1 minute.

Enjoy everyone!

Don’t forget to send us your photos of your High 5’s! You can email them to A3362@telford.gov.uk, your year group email addresses or straight to Miss Brentnall (meadows.yearthree@taw.org.uk).